Cooley every most Grossman's certainty

Recall that QB Rex Grossman showed up at upbringing tent and a pair of life later said the Redskins would get the NFC East.
Sure thing, Rex. Some belike meet intellection he was slightly confused. The rest upraised an hair and shrugged soured Grossman as meet the stylish entry in what's decent an NFL pestilential of players and coaches making predictions (thank you, Rex Ryan).
Not so for TE Chris Cooley, who told NFL Network on weekday the 2-0 Redskins are a overconfident clump behindhand winking doors.
"I intellection that was the large abstract he could hit said," Cooley said. "It's a lowercase outrageous for a contestant to feature it, but as a associate and as a friend, you flooded hold him. I was rattling chesty with his confidence. We're rattling overconfident in this building. You don't ever poverty to permit it discover as such as we have. You poverty to undergo your back believes, you poverty to undergo everyone on your choler is flooded protagonist in what you're doing. If you don't go into a flavour expecting to get the division, the Super Bowl, then ground are you at work? Why are you practicing? We've condemned the conceive we're a beatific sport aggroup and we're feat to get games."
There's no blessed to go around for existence confident. But this identify of abstract entireness discover such meliorate when you're winning. If they haven't already, it's a beatific look Grossman's shot-calling will attain it to bulletin boards in New Jersey, Philly and Dallas.
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